Home / Rug Auction / JUNE 16, 2023-SINGLE OWNER JUNE 16, 2023-SINGLE OWNER ESTATE AUCTION THE ESTATE OF CHRISTOPHER S. MANIATTY SINGLE OWNER SALE FRI, JUNE 16, AT 6 P.M. CLICK HERE TO VIEW CATALOG FINE ART: Over 100 works of art including: PAINTINGS: Important western painting “The Road to Taos” Oscar Berninghaus (24 x 36), A. Hale Johnson (10 including fine examples), William Lester Stevens, Stephen G. Maniatty (25+ including award winning examples), Aldro T. Hibbard (2), Frederick J. Waugh (3), Willis Seaver Adams (2), Thomas S. Steel, Tim Engelland, Grant Simon (2), David A. Dickinson (3), Harold Bruel, Stanley Wyatt, Diane Peterson, Scott Prior, Grace Collier, N. Pizoumoff (3), Mark Andres, Chinese Pith paintings (4). PRINTS: Charles Wald Spector (2), Dayrl V. Storrs, After Fra Bartolommeo, Don Swann, Otto Henry Bacher, Tim Engelland (3), Nanette Vonnegut, several unsigned and illegibly signed examples. BRONZES: A fine bronze of Alice Kurtz (Whiteman) by Samuel Aloysius Murry along with the plaster cast and a portrait of the sitter by Frederick Judd Waugh and the necklace she wore for the sitting. STERLING: 133 pc. set “King”, 48 pc. set “King”, 43 pc. Lunt “William & Mary”, 3 pc Gorham tea set, Russian Orthodox communion set and holy water receptacle, pair of Gorham column candlesticks, pair of Sheffield fancy candlesticks, pair of sterling candelabras, pill and trinket boxes, quantity of other flatware and holloware. FURNITURE: EARLY: Set of 6 painted thumb back chairs, set of 6 birdcage Windsor chairs, Chippendale cherry desk, barrel back corner cabinet, 4 drawer Sheraton bowfront chest, 1 drawer Sheraton stand, 2 drawer inlaid Hepplewhite stand, Empire sofa, Queen Anne tilt top tea table, grain painted box, carved bed, ladderback and Windsor chairs. VICTORIAN: Inlaid music cabinet possibly by Herter Bros., Victorian fancy chest. ASIAN: Brass bound cabinet on stand, 2 carved rosewood tables, 4 teak stands. CUSTOM: Drop leaf harvest table, Sheraton card table, 2 brass tray tables, Hepplewhite drop leaf table, Hepplewhite card table, maple sideboard, large 2 door cabinet and other modern furniture. GLASS & CHINA: 50 pc dinner service by Herend, 94 pc dinner service by Lamberton “Reverie”, examples of Lalique, Josh Simpson (vase and paperweights), Minton’s, Royal Worcester, Royal Copenhagen, 2 sets of cut Rhine wines, Limoges and Royal Worcester service plates, Waterford, Staffordshire, cut glass, Wedgwood, Cloisonne, Eskimo stone carving, and more. CLOCKS: Multi dial Glasgow mahogany tall clock by John Hamilton, French repeating carriage clock, 2 Anniversary clocks, Mystery clock, Pillar & Scroll clock, 2 steel Swiss pocketwatches. ACCESSORIES: Oriental rugs including room size Heriz, antique scatter rugs, and runners, Greek icon, miniature portraits, Byron-Scott historical flask, Tole tray, lamps, baskets, quantity of silver plate, square leaded window, linen, sword and knives, scale, large rosewood lap desk, copper pans, woodware by Peter Kwasniewski, Eric Reeves, Mel Scott, Ricardo Dellera, set of fancy French place card holders, large U.S. currency, Singer miniature sewing machine, and more. PREVIEW: THURS. 8 AM – 4 PM & FRI. 8 AM – 6 PM Category: Rug Auction Related products GENERAL ESTATE AUCTION FRI SEPT 29 ANTIQUE AUCTION FRI, OCT 20 APRIL 15 AT 10 AM AUGUST 11, 2023 ANTIQUE AUCTION