Home / Rug Auction / ANTIQUE ESTATE AUCTION FRI MARCH 28 ANTIQUE ESTATE AUCTION FRI MARCH 28 ANTIQUE ESTATE AUCTION FRI, MARCH 28 AT 6 PM FEATURING A FINE LONGMEADOW ESTATE CLICK HERE TO VIEW CATALOG Fine Art: Paintings: Frederic Remington, Milton James Burns, Mather Brown, Alexis P. Arapoff, Elisha Taylor Baker, George Peter Alexander Healy, John Joseph Enneking, Sally Haley, Alfred Rudolf Waud, Hans Lesineister, Louis K Harlow, B.G. Tubay? A.H. Sonn, Charles P. Gruppe, M. Lajoie, F.H. Kohler, unsigned portraits including: ship’s captain “George Buckman” miniature portraits, Persian watercolors, J. Elliott, Hazel Kitts Wires, and more. Prints: Norman Rockwell, Katherine Merrill, William Hogarth, George Catlin, G. Kneller, James Gale Tyler, Edward Sanguinetti, Sculpture: Isadore Jules Bonheur, Louis Kley, Julius Paul Schmidt-Felling, G. Dupre, Demetre Chipraus (Chiparus), unsigned bronzes including articulated crab, and more. Important large ship portrait of the R.B. Forbes with Boston in the background circa 1851 Furniture: Early: English oak court cupboard, Sheraton chest, inlaid card table, oak immigrant’s trunk, inlaid mahogany butler’s chest. Victorian: Half size barrister bookcase, Modern: 6 Stickley Chippendale chairs and corner cabinet, nautical theme slate table, lacquer tables and chest top cabinet, decorated floor lamps, Chippendale style chairs, ottoman, leather and upholstered sofas, club chair, stands, mahogany dining room table, oriental style corner cabinet, stands and table, pole screen, Chippendale style flat top desk, and more. Glass and China: 101 pcs. Villeroy & Boch “French Garden”, 59 pcs. Royal Doulton “Simple Platinum” examples of amberina, satin glass, cranberry glass, Lenox, selection of Waterford, oriental export including lamps and brush pots, Copeland Spode, large Satsuma vase, Victorian Epergne, oriental garden seats, Washington trinket box, ship plates, Chinese ceramic shrine, and more. 1864 map of Richmond, VA and battlefield map of Chattanooga with tipped in pencil sketch and Civil War travel passes by and for A. Waud, early map of Virginia. Accessories: Scrimshaw whale’s teeth and walrus tusk, Salem ship’s clock, brass eagle, Trinidad sampler, wallpaper box, meat market sign, 30 Gucci ties and Louis Vuitton pocketbooks and wallets, Vera Bradley items, boxes, Waltham deck chronometer, wood carvings, lacquer boxes, oak cased barograph, Le Coultre alarm clock, baby whistle, mirrors, Lorenzo Lippi poem, burl bowls, Victorian decorated safe, cast iron urns and eagle snow birds, Crusie and Betty lamps, Turners Falls, MA dam photos and journal, and more. Rugs: 25+ room size and scatter, modern and antique. PREVIEW: THURS. 8 AM – 4 PM & FRI 8 AM – 6 PM Category: Rug Auction Related products GENERAL ESTATE AUCTION FRI SEPT 29 JUNE 23, 2023-ANTIQUE AUCTION April 28 2023 Antique AUGUST 11, 2023 ANTIQUE AUCTION