Home / Rug Auction / ANTIQUE ESTATE AUCTION FRI FEB. 28 ANTIQUE ESTATE AUCTION FRI FEB. 28 ANTIQUE ESTATE AUCTION FRI, FEB. 28 AT 6 PM CLICK HERE TO VIEW CATALOG Fine Art: Paintings: Elice Davis Pieropan, Hartwell Leon Woodcock, Cedora Del Scheiblich, K.T. Punduh, John-Martin Jensen, John B. Aragon, Fred Beaver, C Jenny, S. Martinson, Fern Brant, Chandler Bigelow, After Robert Salmon, Chinese ancestral portraits, William Mull, Dennis Sheehan, Prints: Jamasie Teevee, Albert Edel, Alexander Aladar Blum, Amando Maurilio Pena Jr., Jacques Eitel, Margaret Philbrick, Tadashi Asoma, Polly French, Ray Swanson, Sculpture: Steel sculpture signed Butler, studio pottery sculpture signed Serbin 1973, Lorber pottery relief head, dolphin sculptures, 7 ft. wood mother and child, Other: Outstanding large KPM plaque of the Madonna Della Seggiola by Raphael. Furniture: Early: 1 drawer tavern table, 4 drawer Chippendale chest, Chinese alter table, heavily carved continental Cassone, joint stool, 2-part Japanese cabinet, and more. Victorian: Oak table and 8 chairs, oak chests, oak glass door cabinet, and more. An estate collection of 300+ bottles of wine of all varieties to be sold in small lots. Partial contents of a print shop including several oak sectional type cabinets, several book presses, small printing presses. Silver: Sterling: 81 pcs. Reed & Barton “Chambord”, and more. Glass and China: Examples of Baccarat, Chinese porcelain, Royal Bonn, Majolica, Bristol Glass, and more. Accessories: 2 needlework samplers, quilts, Indian and Alaskan baskets and pottery, Inuit and Eskimo items, pewter, brass Foo dog and vase, antique guns and swords, WWII books and memorabilia, small arrowhead collection, patriotic needlework’s, sailor’s items including carvings, bird carvings including: Ken Harris and R & V Warfield, Chelsea ship’s clock, Captain’s lap desk, burl bowl, Nantucket basket, Bellarmine jug, Hermes typewriter, ship’s decanter set, ship diorama, 4 ship models (2 cased), pair B & H stained glass lamps, 2 “Nauga” monsters, Featherweight singer sewing machine, Janna Ugone lamp, alabaster lamp and clock, banquet lamps, soapstone carvings, collection of carved wood masks, oriental rugs, nautical book collection, and more. PREVIEW: THURS. 8 AM – 4 PM & FRI 8 AM – 6 PM Category: Rug Auction Related products JUNE 16, 2023-SINGLE OWNER April 28 2023 Antique APRIL 15 AT 10 AM JUNE 23, 2023-ANTIQUE AUCTION