Home / Rug Auction / ANTIQUE AUCTION FRI SEPT 22 ANTIQUE AUCTION FRI SEPT 22 ANTIQUE AUCTION FRI, SEPT. 22, AT 6 P.M. CLICK HERE TO VIEW NUMBERED CATALOG Fine Art: Paintings: William Lester Stevens (2), Elton Thresher (10), Geo. Gardner Phipps, Elice D. Pieropan (2), H. Biondetti, Grover Chapman, H.N.E, McEvoy (2) ,Tom Casselman, Carol J. Walker, Trevor Jones, Bonnie Daly, J.O.B. Inman, Gambacciani, M. Van Zwoll, 2 Naples harbor scenes, Lascelles Foales? and more. Historical Portraits: George Washington and George Washington at Dorchester after Gilbert Stuart, life size John F. Kennedy, Thomas Payne by Adrian Lamb, Alexander Hamilton, reverse on glass George Washington, other portraits, Prints: The Battle at Bunker’s Hill near Boston, New York from heights near Brooklyn and New York from Weehawk (engraved by T. Hill), Washington and his family, Clyde S.S. Co. Advertising print, Theatre poster Harmount’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin Co., Siddhia Hutchinson, Lyn Bentley, Ray Allen, Peter Grahame, Eileen Soper, Japanese woodblocks, large tinted photograph of Grand Canyon, Sculpture: bronze bust of R.A.F. pilot, George Washington relief bronze plaque, bronze Guanyin, and more. Furniture: Early: Pair of N.Y. Continuous arm Windsor chairs (J Bertine), tavern tables, 2 part mahogany breakfront, 3 drop leaf Sheraton tables, Hepplewhite and Sheraton stands, candlestands, Deacon’s bench, 2 joint stools, lift top bible box, ship stenciled rocker, blanket chests, 3-drawer sewing stand, Hepplewhite standing desk, 2-part fold over desk, Victorian: Gothic cast iron bench, upright vitrine, walnut curio cabinet Mission: Limbert #153 turtle top library table, oak lounge L & JG Stickley, library table, Custom: 2 pc Georgian style chest on chest, and more, Modern: Kofod Larsen lounge chair, quality furniture including Kittinger camel back sofa, carved Lane cedar chest, Paine mahogany bookcase, quantity of Queen Anne and Chippendale style chairs, settee, silver chest, stands, 4 post queen bed, and more, Coins: U.S. Gold: $20, $10, $5, and $1 Jewelry: Gold wristwatches, bracelets, necklaces, pendants, rings, and earrings, some with diamonds, fine pair of designer earrings with watermelon tourmaline, and more. Sterling: 97 pc flatware set by Gorham (Strasbourg), Georgian spoons and more, coin silver, Holloware and other flatware, Silver Plate: Sheffield candlesticks, and more Glass and China: Pair of Dresden nodder figurines, 46 pc. Copeland Spode “Thomas Jefferson at Monticello” Rookwood, oriental porcelain lamps, Canton china, Royal Copenhagen, Bing & Grundahl figurines, and more. Music: Large Swiss music box with birds, bells and drums, Polyphon upright coin operated 20″ disk music box, Accessories: Weathervanes including eagle and running horse, fine antique 2-sided trade sign Rudman and Scofield, large brass 2-handled yacht winch, 2 mahogany tea caddies, 2 painted boxes “Trull Bros 1858”, sampler, patriotic eagle needlework, gilt over the mantel mirror, pair of dresser top chests and mirror, Russian trinket box, oriental needlework panels, 2 U.S. bayonets, pewter, Queen Victoria signature, mahogany knife box, Bicorn military hat, hotel crystal atomizer, desk lamp by Ernesto Gismondi, goose decoy, KTM brass locomotive and tender, large cast iron mortar & pestle, small boat binnacle, half hull models, Firkins, Nantucket style baskets (A.R.M.), stoneware including butter churns, Ashfield, Mass, Chinese scrolls, banjo barometer by A. Bell, large train bell (NY Central) wood butter churns, round tin sign “De Laval Cream Separators” baseball cards, Chimayo blanket and child’s jackets, and more. Oriental Rugs: A quantity of antique and modern room size and scatter sizes. PREVIEW: THURS. 8 AM – 4 PM & FRI. 8 AM – 6 PM Category: Rug Auction Related products ESTATE AUCTION – MARCH 10 AT 6 PM GENERAL ESTATE AUCTION – MAY 12 AT 6 PM (Copy) SELF STORAGE FACILITY AUCTION – MAY 23 AT 10 AM SELF STORAGE FACILITY AUCTION – JUNE 13 AT 10 AM