Home / Rug Auction / ANTIQUE AUCTION FRI, OCT 20 ANTIQUE AUCTION FRI, OCT 20 ANTIQUE AUCTION FRI, OCT 20, AT 6 P.M. CLICK HERE TO VIEW CATALOG Featuring a Panamanian collection and deaccessions from a prominent museum Deaccessioned Items: Outstanding English oak 17th c. Refectory table (1618), Italian 18th c. carved and painted Armorial Shield, North Shore MA inlaid sideboard, pair Duncan Phyfe card tables and another example, 18th c. pair side chairs by John Carlile & Sons, Queen Anne side chair, English chest on chest on frame, Chippendale card table, antique cut glass chandelier, pair French brass andirons, 2-drawer stand, English Sheraton dressing table, 2 antique mahogany breakfronts, Barcelona chair, pair of English carved chairs, and more. Panamanian Collection: Art: Paintings: Alberto Dutary (6), Guillermo Trujillo (5), Alfredo Sinclair (4), Beatrix Briceno (7), Antonio Alvarado, Omar Rayo, Wren Panzella (3), Fahlstrom (2), A. Mendozi, Eduardo Mol, l Dorothy Englander, Elizabeth Apgar-Smith, Bray, Winn, Mary Grayson, Charlie Steinbrecher, Salanas, Prints: Manuel Chong Neto, Terry C. Rouke, Brian D. Cohen, Julio Augusto Zachrisson, and more. Glass and China: Stemware by Riedel and Lindshammar, 73 pc. service by Villeroy & Boch (Jamaica), china by Hoganas Keramik, Arabia, Royal Copenhagen and Denby. Boda Glass, Studio Pottery by “La Arena Chitre Senapi, Panama, Wayne Colquhoun, Conlon, Acoma wedding vase Pre-Columbian: 26 pieces of decorated pottery including figural pieces, stone figural grinding stones. Other Fine Art: Paintings: Stephen G. Maniatty (2), Elton Thresher (5), Arnold Albert Jenny, Janice Elliot (3), Elice D. Pieropan (2), Grace Epstein, Seymour Fogel (4), Douglas Turner (2), Helen Juchnicki, Lorna Ritz, F. LeGros, Attr. Arthur B. Davies, Wally Ames, Carl Schmid, Henry W. Rice, Julius Herman Kummer, Prints: Burland E. Murphy (3), Max Pollak, Theodore Turner, Risaburo Kimura, Ernest Thorne Thompson, Sculpture: Konrad Taucher ceramic bust, Lucille Passavant, Joy Hess, and more. Furniture: Early: Red blanket chest, Sheraton and Queen Anne stands and tea tables, Hepplewhite drop leaf table, tavern table, Victorian: Davenport desk, fainting couch, oriental room screen and carved alter table, 2 cylinder secretaries, oak hall rack, Empire settees, Custom and Modern: 4-drawer miniature Chippendale chest, maple Morris chair designed by Herman Devries (Cushman) Chinoiserie cabinet desk, butler’s stand, and more. Glass and China: Large pottery vase by Hertha Bengston, Josh Simson and other art glass. Jewelry: 2 suites of pearls and gold flower design, emerald and diamond ring, pearl lady’s watch and pin, diamond, heart and leaf pins, garnet bracelet, diamond lady’s watch, pearls, and other rings, a small collection of early French and continental paste jewelry, and more. Accessories: Astral lamps, 2 carved Madonna and child figures, desk set in Shakespeare pattern, Ogee picture mirror, inlaid shaving mirror, Growling teddy bear, copper food molds, a selection of mid-century textiles, 6 designer (Ordine Brent) dresses, Sterling: selection of sterling flatware and more. Oriental Rugs: antique and modern room size and scatter sizes. PREVIEW: THURS. 8 AM – 4 PM & FRI. 8 AM – 6 PM Category: Rug Auction Related products GENERAL ESTATE AUCTION – MAY 12 AT 6 PM (Copy) CLICK HERE TO VIEW A SELECTION OF ITEMS TO BE SOLD FRIDAY, JANUARY 27 AT 6 P.M. CLICK ON IMAGE TO ENLARGE. GENERAL ESTATE AUCTION JULY 28 2023 RUG AUCTION FRI OCT 6 AT 6 PM