Home / Rug Auction / ESTATE AUCTION FRI OCT. 18 ESTATE AUCTION FRI OCT. 18 ESTATE AUCTION FRI, OCT. 18 AT 6 PM BOTH GALLERIES TO BE SOLD SIMULTANEOUSLY CLICK HERE TO VIEW CATALOG FOR MAIN GALLERY CLICK HERE TO VIEW CATALOG FOR GALLERY 2 Fine Art: Paintings: Stephen G. Maniatty, Elice Davis Pieropan, Enneking, Frank Lincoln, N.E. Banks, T. Bailey, Hope R. Angier. Dirk Xu, Florian K. Lawton, Louis Witkin, Charles E. Pont, Homer Gunn, F.W. Tencza, William Frahme, Pinocchio movie cell, William McLean, unsigned and more. Prints: Mark Munier, Barry Moser, James Henry Daugherty, John Mecray, Wooster Scott, Cate Mandigo, Edward Gordon, Patchell-Olson, Ed Hogan, Rob Gonsalves, Shuntei Miyagawa, Utagawa Toyokuni, Utagawa Kunisada, Hyman J. Warsager, William Bradford Green, Edward Auguste Landon, and more. Furniture: Early: 2 Queen Anne highboys, 2 Chippendale slant front desks, Chippendale 2-drawer blanket chest, Sheraton secretary, Birdseye maple 4-drawer chest, Sheraton work table, chest and drop leaf tables, country 2-part desks, 2-drawer stand, dough box, Shaker #7 rocker, chairs and stands, and more. Victorian, Modern & Custom: Eldred Wheeler huntboard, folding desk/table (J.C. Vickery), Queen Anne Style stand by River Bend Ltd., oak icebox, oak roll top desk, oak commode, wicker parlor set, 3 pc cast iron garden set, 3 cast iron urns, 10 pc metal patio set, large butcher block, wicker bedroom set, mahogany bedroom set, Barrister bookcase, 2 blockfront chests, cherry corner cupboard, inlaid card table, inlaid sideboard, leather wingchair, leather recliner, 4 sofas, mahogany cedar chest, upholstered armchairs, and more. Outstanding Collection of American Stoneware: 35+ pieces including butter churns, jugs, crocks, and spittoon. 1 to 6-gallon sizes, including Bennington (11), Fort Edward, Boston, Whately, Great Falls, Keene, with decorations of birds, flowers and sprays. Clocks: Hoadley tall clock, Seth Thomas pillar and scroll clock, Wall Regulator calendar clock, carriage clock, crystal regulator, Howard Miller bracket clock, skeleton clock, and more. Weavertown Coach Surrey with The Fringe on Top Silver: Sterling flatware 81 pcs. Towle – Old Colonial, 82 pcs. Lunt – Mignonette Glass and China: 160 pc Flow Blue dinner service Ridgways “Chiswick”, Masonic Liverpool pitcher, Buffalo pilgrim pitcher, Waterford lamps and tableware, pair Imari lamps, paperweights, Sandwich opalescent tiebacks, milk glass covered boxes, Royal Doulton, advertising ware, examples of Meissen, Rosenthal and Hutschenreuther, and more. Accessories: Fine J&P Coats Spool cabinet with tambor slides, Corticelli silk dispenser, Currier & Ives Christmas sleigh, 20′ Interstate enclosed trailer, 12 tune Swiss music box, American and #5 Enterprise coffee grinders and smaller examples, fine bronze National cash register, Chickering & Sons upright piano, parlor stove, Becker’s & Sons cased balance scale, Mountain Boy sled, Diamond dyes cabinet, basket quilt, rocking horse on frame, game boards, curly maple dressing mirror, Schooner ship model, 1952 Red Sox team ball, andirons, dog boot scraper, candle boxes, Shaker sewing boxes, knife box and other woodware, brass candlesticks, food molds, Rockingham ware spittoons, angle lamp, Banks: to include Tammany, Mammy, globe, John Harper, Jolly, Humpty Dumpty, T. Cooke sextant, oak crank telephone, cast iron doorstops and ladder cart toy, double rabbit chocolate mold, marine lanterns, student lamps, Tiffany style dragonfly lamp, lady’s inlaid travelling box, clock jack, Steiff bears and animals, yellow butter churn, Molas, Oriental Rugs: scatter sizes and more. PREVIEW: THURS. 8 AM – 4 PM & FRI 8 AM – 6 PM Category: Rug Auction Related products RUG AUCTION JULY 21 2023 ANTIQUE AUCTION FRI SEPT 22 GENERAL ESTATE AUCTION FRI SEPT 29 GENERAL ESTATE AUCTION FRI NOV. 17