Home / Rug Auction / ANTIQUE AUCTION – FRI, MAY 3 AT 6 PM ANTIQUE AUCTION – FRI, MAY 3 AT 6 PM ANTIQUE AUCTION FRI, MAY 3 AT 6 P.M. CLICK HERE TO VIEW CATALOG Fine Art: Paintings: Edmund E. Case, Everett Shinn, Elice Davis Pieropan, Henrik Jespersen, Mildred Weiss, Meredeth Weiss, P.R. Le Goullon, Waiko, Hugo Nantee, Casimiro Motta, Bessie T. Cram, Malu, Jansson, J. Califano, Bill Griffith, William F. Matthews, Nomi Bruckmann, old master, framed miniature portraits, and several good signed and unsigned paintings. Prints: Whistler, Eric Gill, Francis Dixon, Luigi Lucioni, Nadia Widawski Irish, John P. Heins, Julian Levi, Fernando C. Pacheco, Harold Kerr Eby, Winslow Homer, Albert W. Barker, Roland Clark, Ernest H. Hart, Albert Abramovitz, John Taylor Arms, Rudy Montoya Jr., Grant Arnold, Martin Peterson, Ivan Messenger, George T. Plowman, Paul M. Roche, Frederik Owen, Roy Tonkin, Jacques Nam, Alan Crane, Elyse Lord, Utagawa Kunisada, Utamamaro Kitagawa, Ini Kumo, Mildred Weiss, Meredeth Weiss, Sculpture: bronze by Otto Rasmusen. Furniture: Early: Chippendale desks, Queen Anne table, 6 painted Windsor chairs, Sheraton card table and stand yarn winder and flax wheel, hooded cradle, Hepplewhite table, blanket chest, Sheraton drop leaf dining table and fall front desk, chair table, Empire breakfast table, Victorian: 4 pc oriental cabinet, 4-fold oriental screen, large Japanese needlework, Modern: coffee table by DUX, walnut stack tables, Chippendale style sofa, Sheraton style sideboard, and more. A fine selection of 25 antique mirrors from a museum collection including Chippendale, Adams, Queen Anne, in singles and pairs. Glass and China: 44 pcs Royal Worcester (Dorchester), 30 pcs Wedgwood (Wild Strawberry), 59 pcs Haviland Limoges (Linette), 48 pc Longchamp (Printemps), 100 pc Haviland Limoges, 79 pcs Th. Haviland Limoges, 12 Service plates Minton (H4102), 12 Service plates Minton (Grasmere), 50 pcs Minton (April), and Rosenthal set, Royal Copenhagen Berte Jessen Pillow Vase, Dedham pottery, Dorchester pottery, art glass paperweights, studio pottery, Young & Constantin compote, and more. Silver: Sterling: 109 pcs Wallace (Cabot), 143 pcs Dominic & Haff (Pointed Antique). 30 pieces Wallace (Grand Baroque), 38 pcs Bigelow & Kennard, overlay glass and porcelain, hollowware, flatware, 4 pc Gorham tea set, serving pieces, and more. Accessories: Express Wagon, vintage soapbox derby car, Ernst Plank Magic Lantern/Movie projector, Singer Featherweight sewing machine, lacquer chest, gold thimble, pewter charger by Samuel Ellis, Atmos, china and other clocks, Book: Incantations of Mayan Women, cloisonne plate, Walrus Rookery by Eugene Tiulana and another carving, stone carvings, doll size chests, Bisque doll, Pre-Columbian pottery, and more. Oriental Rugs: 20 room size and scatter size rugs. PREVIEW: THURS. 8 AM-4 PM & FRI 8 AM-6 PM Category: Rug Auction Related products RUG AUCTION – MARCH 31 RUG AUCTION FRI OCT 6 AT 6 PM AUGUST 25, 2023 ANTIQUE AUCTION GENERAL ESTATE AUCTION FRI NOV 3