Home / Rug Auction / ANTIQUE AUCTION FRI MARCH 22 AT 6 PM ANTIQUE AUCTION FRI MARCH 22 AT 6 PM ANTIQUE AUCTION FRI, MARCH 22 AT 6 P.M. CLICK HERE TO VIEW CATALOG Fine Art: Paintings: William Lavalley, Giovanni Sandrucci, John Brevort, Andrew S. Flagg, Jorge Guarderas, Edouardo Pisano, E Karff, Rudolf Stone, Walter Simmons Hunt, Lillian E. Baessler, Henry T. Seymour, Prints: Max Ernst, Le Ba Dang, Louise A. Freedman, H. Lucas Kramer, Claude Grosperrin, William MCK Spierer, Gabriel Dauchot, Irving Amen, Marc Chagall Posters (1972), Amherst College by Richard Rummell, Vincent Fago Posters, John Faber, Kent Hagerman, Gerard Edelinck, Gilbert Hester, Pierre Drevet, Katsushika Hokusai, Urushibara Mokuchu, John Latham, Jules-Ferdinand Jacquemart, F.B. Werner, Cora Willitt, Iskar Kaspar, H. Meyer, Karl Schwetz, Nadia Wadowski Irish, G.F. Liberati, Axel Herman Haig, Sculpture: Bronze by Achille Dorsi, 2 bronzes by Ferdinand Barbedienne. Important Joan Miro Stencil in colors from the Cahiers D ’Art (1934) 30/48 signed, numbered and dated. Furniture: Early: Cross stretcher Pembroke table, 4-drawer Chippendale chest, Sheraton drop leaf table, painted high chair, chest on chest, candlestands, hooded cradle, Schoolmasters desk in red, Curly maple chest, flax and spinning wheels, chair table, Victorian: German inlaid table and chairs, Chinese stack tables, reproduction Pennsylvania highboy and cherry desk, Modern: 4 bent wood chairs Attr. to George Mulhauser for Plycraft, Herman Miller Wire chair, 6 chrome and leather chairs Attr. to designer Marcel Breuer, 2 chrome chairs by Precision furniture, and other chrome chairs and stand, Steel and stone inlaid chair, and more. Jewelry: Fine selection of 18k and 14k jewelry incl: massive charm bracelet (4.2 oz), fine Citrine jewelry suite, chains, rings, pendants, pearls, diamond rings, earrings, hardstone cameo brooch by Luigi Rosi, blue enamel lapel watch, sterling jewelry, cameos, jade, amber, emerald and much more. Glass and China: 30+ pcs. M.A. Hadley pottery, Studio pottery, 30+ pcs. Shearwater pottery figures, Lapin pottery vase, selection of art glass, Meissen cup, Rookwood and Haeger pottery, examples of Val St. Lambert, Orrefors, Royal Copenhagen, Josh Simpson, and more. Silver: Sterling: Arthur J. Stone, Frederick J. R. Gyllenberg, Randahl, Denmark, Porter Blanchard, Gorham, Marshall Field & Co., Lebkuecher & Co., Adolphe Kunkler, Mexico, 21 pcs Wallace “Grand Baroque” and other flatware, and more. Accessories: early Old Town canoe S/N 73894, American Traders canoe, 1871 U.S. Grant Peace Medal, Clocks incl: Riley Whiting Tall Clock, continental shelf clocks, and carriage clocks, 20 pcs of enamel on copper incl: Franz Bergmann, Kay Whitcomb, Lisel Salzer, Anthony P. Purtell?, Jackson Wooley, Manuel Pineda, Annemarie Davidson, and Helene Cartier, Kawai upright piano in oak case, miniature Wagner waffle maker, butter churn, 27” Santos figure, cranberry and blueberry scoops, Schwartz toy forts with metal figures, 2 bronze Buddhas, carved jewelry box, Book: 1814 Juvenile Atlas, lace tablecloth, pre-Columbian pottery, and more. Oriental Rugs: 20 room size and scatter size rugs, Art Nouveau style carpet. PREVIEW: THURS. 8 AM – 4 PM & FRI 8 AM – 6 PM Category: Rug Auction Related products April 28 2023 Antique GENERAL ESTATE AUCTION FRI OCT 13 ANTIQUE AUCTION FRI, OCT 20 GENERAL ESTATE AUCTION SEPT 8 2023