Home / Rug Auction / ANTIQUE AUCTION FRI JUNE 28 AT 6 PM ANTIQUE AUCTION FRI JUNE 28 AT 6 PM ANTIQUE AUCTION FRI, JUNE 28 AT 6 P.M. CLICK HERE TO VIEW CATALOG Fine Art: Paintings: Charles Henri Joseph Leikert, Eugene Grandin, Conger Metcalf, Herbert Fouts, A. L. Barnes, Marjorie Phillips, Bessie T. Cram, O.W. Larkin, Prints: Pablo Picasso, Lee Bogle, Botanicals, selection of unsigned bronzes, and more. Furniture: Early: Chippendale secretary, desks, chest, and chairs, 2 pie crust top Chippendale tip tea tables, W & M tavern table, and 2 others, inlaid tip top stand, Hepplewhite chest, 7 bow back Windsor armchairs, Queen Anne stands, footstool and chairs, Sheraton chests, drop leaf table, rope bed, 2-part diminutive side cabinet, green multi-drawer cabinet (Colt Mfg.) Pembroke tables, Victorian: Marble top furniture including: stand, commodes, chest w/mirror, cylinder desk, partner’s desk (ex Gov. NJ) and more. Asian: Chinese porcelain including blue & white chargers, plate and bowl, 3 Chinese Export punch bowls, Rose Medallion, Canton, Famille Rose, silk needlework, cherry amber box, jade and silver tea strainer, reverse painted paintings including H.M.S. Trafalgar, people outside house, and portraits, marble top stand, pewter dressing box, Japanese Imari punch bowl, Lowestoft, and more. Folk Art: Watercolor memorial (Man struck by Lightning) 1808, sampler Tabitha Wright and one by Jane Angwin, pin prick picture, silhouette collection including wax, watercolor, some identified, miniature watercolor portraits and paintings, pastel of Lake Killarney, H.J. Shaw fruit pastel, large calligraphy of 2 horses, and more. Silver: Sterling: 78 pc Georg Jensen “Lily of the Valley-Rose” and other Georg Jensen, Hans Hanson flatware, 100 pc. Reed & Barton “Clovelly”, 52 pc. S. Kirk & Son “Calvert”, 40 pc. Wallace “Grande Baroque”, 40 pc. International “Beacon Hill”, other flatware and holloware, coin silver porringer, English flatware and holloware by Geo. Baskerville, Alice & George Burrows, dish cross by HB, cruet set by Wm. Peter & Ann Bateman, collection of miniature silver furniture, pair hallmarked table pheasants, Stieff pitcher, Silverplate: Candlesticks, hollowware, and more. Jewelry: 14K gold necklaces, 14k citrine & diamond brooch, watches, sapphire & diamond ring, and more. Pianos: Steinway M Grand, Ebony, 277903 (1934); Steinway M Grand (Mahogany) 170969 (1915); Steinway grand (7’5”) Curly Maple case 75370 (1893). Glass and China: 56 pcs Lenox “Westchester”, 12 service plates Minton “Greenbriar” and Royal Doulton “Mayfair”, 10 syrup pitchers, early creamware, fine green to clear glass cruet, Staffordshire, examples of copper and strawberry lustre, cut glass, Rockingham Ware, carnival glass, hand painted, Doulton Burslem, Weller Woodcraft, Vaseline Glass, pair glass duck dishes, group of Parian busts, Staffordshire figurines, child mugs, tea caddies, Young & Constantin, 6 glass jewelry caskets, 2 pcs Loetz glass, and more. Accessories: Collection of wood bowls, including Burl, and kitchen utensils, bronze ink stand, carmel slag lamp, gilt mirrors, antique vase lamps, chip carved yarn winder, brass pails, 2 Seth Thomas wall regulators, crystal prism chandelier, Simplex time clock, collection of mesh and beaded purses, and more. Oriental Rugs: A nice selection of antique and semi antique examples, including Sarouk, Caucasian, Kuba and more. PREVIEW: THURS. 8 AM – 4 PM & FRI 8 AM – 6 PM Category: Rug Auction Related products GENERAL ESTATE AUCTION FRI NOV. 17 ANTIQUE AUCTION FRI SEPT 22 AUGUST 11, 2023 ANTIQUE AUCTION JUNE 16, 2023-SINGLE OWNER