Home / Rug Auction / ANTIQUE AUCTION FRI, FEB 23 ANTIQUE AUCTION FRI, FEB 23 ANTIQUE AUCTION FRI, FEB. 23 AT 6 P.M. CLICK HERE TO VIEW NUMBERED CATALOG Fine Art: Paintings: Kurt Leopold Seligmann, John Hoyland, John Edwards, Fritz Frantz (2), Oscar Lancaster, James Craig Nicoll, Hayward Veal, Greg Mort, Carlton T. Chapman, Kurt Sluizer, Graham Gercken, Julius Maximillion Delbos, Nadia Widowski Irish (12), Ted A. Wuskell (2), Andrew Wernick, Ru-Lan Weng (6), Roelof Dozeman, Walter Kamys, Leonard H. Dermott, Ben Drabeck (4). Dorise Olson (4), Florence Yoshiko Montgomery, Emily Shear Myerow, Jens Christian Bennedsen, Hoyt B. Savage, Carol Shupp Sebold, Tony Redbird-Kiowa, Janet Kleiningership?, Carol A Pelletier, Frank Cressotti, Lottie Meyer Catok (2), Micha Archer, Melanie Fain, T. Bailey, Carlo of Hollywood, Anne Kusiak, John Hodgins, Prints: Jamie Wyeth, Leonard Baskin, Asa Cheffetz (4), Barry Moser, Norman Rockwell, Mervin Jules (3), Peter Max, Sir Henry George Rushbury, Robert Mallory, Sylvia Irish (3), Pierre Henry, Jenness Cortez, N. Gleason, Ogden Pleissner, David Mass (4), Harry C. Adamson, Caroline Dinunzio, Wooster Scott, L. Picares, Mary Tinker Hatch, David Spines, Teri Malo, A. Demarais, Bolling, William Kent, Caldwaller Washburn, 3 Guinness beer posters, Lo, Jim Buckels, Sculpture: Anna Vaughn Hyatt Huntington (Yawning Tiger), Marble signed G.T. 87, bronze by R. Abraham, glass sculpture by Lyle Perkins, bronze nude plaque by Jack Coughlin, metal wall sculpture by Curtis Jere, bronze “Gran’ Dad’s Cup” signed J. Berchem, bronze woman with flute, pair of cherub bronze candlesticks, and more. Important Needlework and Watercolor by Sally Hale, Attributed to Misses Patten’s School, Hartford, Ct (1785-1825) 1930 Red Crown Clockface Gas Pump Silver: 3-piece coin silver tea set by Colin Van Gelder Forbes (1776-1858) NYC., Spaulding sterling kettle on stand, continental footed bowl, sterling and coin Jack knives, sterling flasks and boxes, Tiffany shell dish and gravy, silver spice tower, and more. Jewelry: 40+ lots including gold charm bracelet, rings, cameos, necklaces, belt buckles, earrings, pins, amber necklaces, jade bangle bracelets, and more. Asian: Important porcelain plaque painted with fish, minnows , shrimp and moon, Chinese vase lamps, ginger jar, 4 pottery figures, cloisonne, and more. Glass & China: Josh Simpson vase, Rose Medallion serving pcs., Portuguese lobster plate, Loetz vase, pre-Columbian pottery, enameled menorah, 71 pcs royal Doulton “Stagecoach” and other Royal Doulton, Sevres jewelry box, and more. Furniture: Chippendale desk, Sheraton drop leaf table, red lacquer Asian stand, bamboo stand. Accessories: Bottles including Haskins Shutesbury mineral water, Navaho rug, 20+ bookends including Hubley, Bradley & Hubbard, art deco and Egyptian motif, inkwells, bronze plate and tazza, bisque dolls, clocks, 10 iron mortars & pestles, table top display case, 2 fur coats, River Club posters, and more. Oriental Rugs: 15 scatter and runner sizes. PREVIEW: THURS. 8 AM – 4 PM & FRI 8 AM – 6 PM Category: Rug Auction Related products GENERAL ESTATE AUCTION JULY 28 2023 SELF STORAGE FACILITY AUCTION – JUNE 13 AT 10 AM AUGUST 25, 2023 ANTIQUE AUCTION GENERAL ESTATE AUCTION FRI SEPT 29